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please contact EECA at fuel.economy@eeca.govt.nz

The safer the car, the safer they are

Getting it right

Fuel economy information. How to comply with regulations.

If you're a motor vehicle trader, you are required by law to print and display vehicle fuel economy labels on your vehicles for sale.

You also must include fuel economy information in your online listings (website, online sales platforms and social media).

Safety rating labels indicate the safety performance of a vehicle using a rating out of 5 stars.

For help with this site, please contact MIA at registration@mia.org.nz

20-Sep-2021: 3 phase WLTP CO2 calculations or conversions now displayed on summary sheet for all vehicles with fuel economy or CO2 data.

17-Sep-2021: Support added for Euro 6d emission standard and WLTP/WLTC individual phases.
If declaring WLTP test results, complete all relevant phase data to ensure accurate 3 phase WLTP data is submitted to MVR. This is particularly important for PHEVs.

29-June-2020: COPY function limitation:
To reduce mistakes when new model codes are set up, fuel and basic weight fields will no longer transfer when a model code is copied. This does not apply when creating an UPDATE to an existing model code.

9-April-2019: ANCAP matching support:
Since early 2018 MIAMI has automatically assigned ANCAP tests to model codes wherever possible. This is done by matching vehicle descriptors and safety features required by ANCAP tests to those previously documented for model codes in MIAMI.
You can now review and confirm matches that can't be made automatically - look for these icons/links in the model code listings:
    model variant matches that need confirming by you.
    model codes where safety details may be incomplete.

25-Dec-2018: Updated WLTP support:
If you have WLTP values for FC and CO2 please load these into MIAMI in the new WLTP fields.

30-Oct-2018: Initial WLTP support:
If you only have WLTP values for FC and CO2 you can now load these into MIAMI. Remember to set the FC Test regime correctly otherwise these values will be assumed to be based on NEDC-style tests when MVR and other systems fully support WLTP.

21-May-2018: Takata Recalls support:
Takata recalls must now use the correct Recall Component and specify whether the recall applies to New or Used imports (not both) in order to support MBIE reporting.

11-Feb-2018: You can now flag Recalls for individual VINs in Carjam and similar web sites - as well as through Rightcar.
Previously this feature was only fully activated for Rightcar. It now also works for sites that use RVID/VFEL - if they show Takata warnings for individual VINs then they should also start showing MIAMI-driven Recalls if you load the relevant VINs.